Custom Embroidered and Imprinted Apparel
Industries now offers a complete capability to provide you
with custom embroidered and imprinted wearables. From relatively
inexpensive silkscreened T-Shirts, to custom embroidered caps,
sportswear, and outerwear, we've assembled a collection of
what we feel are the most popular styles that offer the best
If you're considering logo branded apparel for your marketing
and/or promotional program needs, please visit this area for
ideas and suggestions.
here to begin search.
* (As costs vary according to quantities, colors, sizes,
and imprinting methods, this collection is presented without
specific pricing information. Please contact
us if you saw an item of interest and would like
samples, further information, and pricing.)
Custom Plaques &
One of our great strengths at Ouellette Industries
is Custom Plaques and Awards. Each of our custom award
programs is approached from a design perspective to
be unique to your organization, and the perfect reflection
of your best intentions for those that you want to recognize!
As we work across the entire spectrum of materials,
processes, and personalization techiques, we can quickly
and easily design an award for your organization that
will fit your program goal and budget requirements.
Please contact us
for ideas and suggestions based on your organization's
personal recognition needs!
We are proud members of
The National Federation
Independent Business.